


    Healthy eating diet plan

    Knorr Demi-Glace Beef

    (Total Time: 80 MIN| Serves: 4)

    2 pounds Beef Brisket
    2 tbsp. Knorr-Demi Glace
    1 Onion, chopped
    2 Bay Leaves
    2 tsp minced Garlic
    1 tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce
    2 Celery Stalks, chopped
    2 tbsp. Olive Oil
    1 ¼ cup Beef Broth
    ½ tsp Pepper
    ½ tsp Salt


    1. Heat ½ of the olive oil in your IP on SAUTE.
    2. Season the beef with salt and pepper and sear it for about 2 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate.
    3. Heat the remaining olive oil and add onions and celery.
    4. Cook for 3 minutes.
    5. Add garlic and cook for 1 more minute.
    6. Whisk together the sauces and broth, and pour inside the IP.
    7. Add the bay leaves and return the beef to the pot.
    8. Close the lid and cook on MEAT/STEW for 1 hour.
    9. Let the pressure come down naturally.
    10. Serve and enjoy!

    Per Serving (Calories 508| Total Fats 19g | Net Carbs 6g | Protein 48g |Fiber: 1g)