


    Healthy food diet plan

    Apple Cider Pork Ribs

    (Total Time: 55 MIN| Serves: 5)


    2 lbs pork ribs, cut into smaller pieces

    2 green bell peppers, sliced

    2 celery stalks, chopped

    ¼ cup celery leaves, chopped

    1 onion, finely chopped

    2 eggs, whole

    ¼ cup light soy sauce

    3 tbsp apple cider vinegar

    ¼ cup canned tomatoes, sugar-free

    1 cup beef broth


    ¼ cup swerve

    2 tsp salt

    1 tsp chili powder


    Place ribs in the pot and pour in enough water to cover. Seal the lid and set the steam release handle to the ‘’Sealing’’ position. Press the ‘’Meat’’ button and set the timer for 20 minutes on high pressure
    When done, perform a quick release and open the lid. Transfer the ribs to a deep bowl and chill for a while.
    Remove the water press the ‘’Saute’’ button.
    Now, whisk together eggs, apple cider, soy sauce, swerve, salt, and chili powder. Rub the meat with this mixture and let it sit for a while.
    Add celery stalks, onions, and peppers to the pot and cook for 8-10 minutes, stirring constantly. Season with some more salt and add tomatoes. Pour in the broth and continue to cook until most of the liquid has evaporated.
    Now add the prepared pork and coat well with vegetables.
    Press the ‘’Cancel’’ button and sprinkle with fresh celery leaves. Let it sit for a while before serving.
    Per Serving (Calories 321| Total Fats: 8.6g | Net Carbs: 6.1g | Protein: 51.7g |Fiber: 1.3g)