


    Creamy Spinach Soup

    (Total Time: 30 MIN| Serves: 2)


    For soup:

    3 cups spinach, chopped

    1 cup cauliflower, chopped

    3 cups beef broth

    ½ cup heavy cream

    2 tbsp butter


    ¼ tsp sea salt

    ½ tsp black pepper, freshly ground

    1 tsp garlic powder


    Plug in your instant pot and set the stainless steel insert.
    Place spinach in a large sieve and rinse well under running water. Transfer to the pot along with chopped cauliflower. Season with salt, pepper, and garlic.
    Stir well and pour in the broth. Seal the lid and set the steam release handle to the ‘’Sealing’’ position. Press the ‘’Manual’’ button and set the timer for 10 minutes on high pressure.
    When done, press the „Cancel“button and release the pressure naturally for 10-15 minutes. Then move the pressure valve to the ‘’Venting’’ position to release any remaining pressure.
    Carefully, open the lid and stir in two tablespoons of butter. Chill for a while.
    Transfer to a blender or a food processor and process until smooth. Stir in the heavy cream and optionally season with more salt or pepper.
    Serve immediately.
    Per Serving(Calories 286| Total Fats 24.9g | Net Carbs: 4.3g | Protein: 10.3g |Fiber: 2.2g)