


    Sweet & Spicy Carrots

    (Total Time: 18 MINS| Serves: 4)


    1 pound quartered lengthwise and halved carrots

    1 tbsp. Erythritol

    2 tbsp. butter

    3 tsp ground mustard

    1 tsp ground cumin

    ½ tsp cayenne pepper

    ¼ tsp red pepper flakes

    Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

    1/8 tsp ground cinnamon


    In the bottom of Instant Pot, arrange a steamer basket and pour 1 cup of water.
    Place the carrots into the steamer basket.
    Secure the lid and place the pressure valve to “Seal” position.
    Select “Manual” and cook under “High Pressure” for about 1 minute.
    Select the “Cancel” and carefully do a “Quick” release.
    Remove the lid and transfer the carrots to a bowl.
    Remove water from the pot and with paper towels, pat dry.
    Select the “Sauté” mode for Power Pressure Cooker. In the pot of Pressure Cooker, melt butter and stir in the remaining ingredients.
    Stir in the carrots and cook for about 1 minute.
    Select the “Cancel” and serve warm with the sprinkling of cinnamon.
    Per Serving (Calories 112|Total Fat 6.6g| Net Carbs 3.50g| Protein 1.7g| Fiber 3.3g)