


    Chia Vanilla Custard

    (Total Time: 50 MIN| Serves: 4)


    ¼ cup whole milk

    1 cup heavy cream

    5 large eggs

    2 tbsp stevia powder

    ½ tsp agar powder

    2 tbsp chia seeds


    1 tsp vanilla extract

    ¼ tsp cinnamon, ground


    In a large bowl, combine milk, heavy cream, eggs, stevia powder, agar powder, and chia seeds. Using a hand mixer, beat until well incorporated and creamy. Stir in the vanilla extract and beat for a minute more.
    Pour the mixture into ramekins. Wrap the top of each ramekin with aluminum foil and set aside.
    Plug in the instant pot and pour 1 cup of water in the stainless steel insert. Position a trivet on the bottom and place the ramekins on top.
    Close the lid and adjust the steam release handle. Press the ‘’Slow Cooker’’ mode and set the timer for 40 minutes.
    When done perform a quick pressure release by moving the valve to the ‘’Venting’’ position.
    Open the pot and carefully remove the ramekins using oven mitts. Let it cool to a room temperature and then refrigerate for at least 20 minutes before serving.
    Per Serving (Calories 243 | Total Fats: 20.2g | Net Carbs: 2.7g | Protein: 10.3g |Fiber: 2.8g)