


    Pumpkin Muffins with Cranberries & Pecans

    Serving Yields: 12

    Nutritional Facts per Serving

    ● Net Carbs: 5 g

    ● Total Fats: 21 g

    ● Protein: 5 g

    ● Calories: 237


    ● Coconut flour (.5 cup)

    ● Almond flour (1.5 cups)

    ● Erythritol (.5 cup)

    ● BakingPowder (3 tsp.)

    ● Salt (.25 tsp.)

    ● Cinnamon (1 tsp.)

    ● Ground ginger (.5 tsp.)

    ● Canned pumpkin puree (1 cup)

    ● Eggs (2)

    ● Melted coconut oil (.5 cup)

    ● Sugar-free dried cranberries (.5 cup)

    ● Chopped pecans (.5 cup)

    ● Also Needed: 12-count muffin tin & liners or spritz of oil

    Preparation Method

    1. Prepare the cups and set the oven at 400° Fahrenheit.
    2. Mix both types of flour with the sweetener, baking powder, ginger, cinnamon, and salt.
    3. Stir in pumpkin, coconut oil, eggs, cranberries, and pecans.
    4. Empty into the muffin cups.
    5. Bake for 20-25 minutes.
    6. Cool completely before removing from muffin cups because early removal could cause them to crumble.