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MAKES 20 fat cups (1 per serving)

PREP TIME: 10 minutes, plus time to freeze


When I started keto, I thought that fat bombs could only be sweet. I loaded up on ingredients like cacao powder, stevia, erythritol, and nuts in an attempt to increase my fat intake. Those sweet fat bombs were tasty, sure, but a lot of times they spiked my desire for more sweet things, and the cycle continued. It wasn’t until I swapped out the sweet (keto-friendly) treats with savory ones that I truly realized a life without a sweet tooth. If your experience has been similar, try this recipe! It can be made with any nut or seed you have. And there are four different flavors per batch, adding variety and keeping things interesting.

Thanks to Holly, one of our amazing Healthful Pursuit readers, Mac Fatties are perfectly named. Thanks for the title idea, Holly!

1¾ cups (280 g) roasted and salted macadamia nuts

⅓ cup (70 g) coconut oil


1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh rosemary

¼ teaspoon lemon juice


½ teaspoon ground cumin

¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper


½ teaspoon turmeric powder

¼ teaspoon ginger powder


1¼ teaspoons dried oregano leaves

½ teaspoon paprika

½ teaspoon garlic powder

  1. Place the macadamia nuts and oil in a blender or food processor. Blend until smooth, or as close to smooth as you can get it with the equipment you’re using.
  2. Divide the mixture among 4 small bowls, placing ¼ cup (87 g) in each bowl.
  3. To the first bowl, add the rosemary and lemon juice and stir to combine.
  4. To the second bowl, add the cumin and cayenne and stir to combine.
  5. To the third bowl, add the turmeric and ginger and stir to combine.
  6. To the fourth bowl, add the oregano, paprika, and garlic powder and stir to combine.
  7. Set a 24-well silicone or metal mini muffin pan on the counter. If using a metal pan, line 20 of the wells with mini foil liners. (Do not use paper; it would soak up all the fat.) Spoon the mixtures into the wells, using about 1 tablespoon per well.
  8. Place in the freezer for 1 hour, or until firm. Enjoy directly from the freezer.

STORE IT: Keep in an airtight container in the freezer for up to 1 month or in the fridge for up to 3 days. They’re great right out of the freezer and keep fine in the fridge, but they will soften significantly if left out at room temperature. Therefore, it’s best to enjoy them directly from the freezer or fridge.


Prepare the Rosemary Lemon and Turmeric flavors only, doubling up on the ingredients. Add each flavor to half of the macadamia nut mixture instead of one-quarter.

Per fat cup:

calories: 139 | calories from fat: 127 | total fat: 14.1 g | saturated fat: 4.7 g | cholesterol: 0 mg

sodium: 37 mg | carbs: 1.9 g | dietary fiber: 1.2 g | net carbs: 0.7 g | sugars: 0.6 g | protein: 1.1 g

FAT : 91%
CARBS : 6%