Serves: 3
Preparation time: 35 minutes
2 large egg whites
2 tsp. raw honey
1 tsp. pure almond extract
2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
16 whole almonds
4 oz. 85 percent cacao dark chocolate bar
1 tbsp. coconut oil
Preparation: Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). In a bowl, mix the egg whites, raw honey, and almond extract and coconut. Form this mixture around one almond to make a small ball. Add unsweetened coconut and mix until combined. Place on parchment paper lined baking sheet and cook for 12 minutes. Melt the dark chocolate and drizzle over the coconut bites.
Serving Suggestion: If you really love chocolate, you can dip the coconut bites into it instead of just drizzling it on top.
Nutritional Information Per Serving:
Calories 268
Fat 24g
Protein 4g
Total Carbohydrate 14g
Dietary Fiber 5g
Net Carbohydrate 9g
Fat 81%
Protein 6%
Net Carb 13%