Serves: 2
Preparation time: 5 minutes
1/2 cup espresso
¼ cup coconut milk
pinch cinnamon or raw cocoa powder (unsweetened)
Preparation: The trick here is to get the coconut milk to froth. Use a milk frother to make it bubbly and then heat it up. Add the milk to the hot espresso using a spatula to hold back the foam. The foam goes on the top allowing you to try your hand at making designs.
Serving Suggestion: You can add a few drops of Stevia sweetener if you like your cappuccino sweetened.
Nutritional Information per Serving:
Total Carbs 2.4.g
Fiber 0.7 g
Net carbs 1.7 g
Protein 1.3 g
Fat 12.2 g
Calories 133 kcal