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STELLA NEEDED TO LOSE ABOUT 30 POUNDS, but she also wanted to lose another 10 to 15 pounds. Her needs aim came first, followed by her desire goal. I believe that she was more driven by her fantasy objectives, knowing that if she attained them, all of her need goals would also be satisfied.

She was over 45 years old, had a waist measurement of 39.99 inches, and was aware from our conversations that she was insulin resistant as well as carbohydrate sensitive. Her lab results weren’t in yet, so I assumed metabolic syndrome or pre-diabetes were also at her door. I believed the Keto Lifestyle diet would address problems without addressing them first, and it did.

This makes perfect sense, she said, “since I’ve been wondering why my weight is gradually rising no matter what I do. “This weekend, my husband and I are going shopping after cleaning out the pantry.”

She felt incredibly comfortable and at peace since she knew what her body was doing and what it required. She was unfamiliar with the actual meal ratio of 70% fats, 15% proteins, and 15% carbs from green vegetables, but she seemed unfazed by it. More than prepared to start, she was.

A few months later, Stella’s husband and I received a visit from them. They both appeared fantastic. I assumed she had nearly completed her initial objective.

She emphasized, “Together we have lost almost fifty pounds.” But we’re stuck on a problem that we can’t seem to solve.

“Okay,” I replied. “You both are doing great and are experts at losing weight. How can I assist?

When we first started, she said, “we were really strict about keeping the carb intake each day to 20 grams or less.” “About two months into the diet, when the weight started to come off, we relaxed a little and ate more of the nutritious items that had more carbs, which caused us to exceed the 20 grams per day. Despite eating roughly 50 grams of carbohydrates a day between the two of us, we are still losing weight.

Is there a slowing in the rate of weight loss? I queried.

It is, her spouse acknowledged. “I was losing around two pounds a week when we started, and I would say I’m losing about half a pound a week now.”

“The same for me,” Stella affirmed.


You normally enter the Keto Lifestyle in three days, but it may take months to overcome your cravings for processed foods.

Then, I said, “you are very close to your Keto Carb Limit (KCL) number.” “I estimate that you consume about 75 grams of KCL daily. Whatever it turns out to be, keep that figure in mind when weight loss stalls at that point. Eating more than that number typically results in weight growth, and eating less typically results in weight loss. Congratulations! Your KCL has been located.


When eating 20 grams of low-carbohydrate per day, weight loss is at its highest. Despite eating 50 grams of carbohydrates daily, Stella and her husband were still losing weight, but the rate of weight loss was substantially faster at 20 grams.

One wonderful aspect of our bodies is that everyone of us has a unique number that serves as the starting point for the life we choose to lead. The healthier we get, the higher our number will typically be since our systems grow less resistant to insulin and more receptive to carbohydrates.

Your KCL number is often the outcome of a number of factors, including:

  •          The meals you’ve already had
  •          Current fitness and weight
  •          Age
  •          Level of activity
  •          Genetic background
  •          Mood disorders
  •          The gender
  •          Pharmaceuticals


As you lose weight and get healthier as a whole, your KCL score will gradually increase. Exercise and medication are significant contributors as well, but there is nothing you can do to change some of the other aspects.

Knowing your KCL, whether it be 50, 75, or 100 grams, will allow you to understand how your body is structured. Planning your meals and making necessary adjustments are all possible while maintaining a desired weight.

Your secret combination is your KCL. The key to good health, balanced appetite hormones, and manageable weight is “you.” Your number governs all other numbers, including your triglyceride, LDL, and HDL numbers.

Particularly when it comes to your KCL number, knowledge truly is power. You not only have control over your weight but also your state of mind. You are aware of everything necessary to reduce weight at any time. You have the power!

Weight-related barriers that may have previously stood in your way have been removed. You now have access to a healthy lifestyle and everything it entails, from the top of your brain to the bottom of your feet.

Your KCL number is essentially your pass to the life you desire.


Locating your KCL is simple. In fact, whether you’re looking for it or not, you’ll likely stumble onto it.

The Keto Lifestyle diet deliberately starts with 20 grams of carbohydrates per day because this is a far lower amount than most individuals require to lose weight. Beginning with 20 grams of carbohydrates is perfect for you because of what that entails, which includes:

  •          More rapid weight loss
  •          A quicker way to enter the Keto Lifestyle
  •          More rapid system cleansing
  •          Quicker route to health
  •          Greater efficiency in achieving your objectives

Your KCL number is ready to be disclosed four to eight weeks into the Keto Lifestyle. Even though you may not be able to identify it right away, it should be steady enough for you to do so soon.

You’ve been consuming 20 grams of carbohydrates while consistently losing weight. Start by increasing your daily carb consumption by 10 grams each week to determine your Keto Carb Limit (KCL) figure. (If you want to keep losing weight, keep your carb intake at 20 grams per day until you have lost all the weight you want, then increase it by 10 grams per week to find your KCL.) To meet your KCL amount, include hummus, some beans, and fruit as opposed to grains, potatoes, or excessive dairy. You can use cheese if it has no negative effects on you.


You will eventually put all the weight back on if you start eating all the carbs you used to.

Monitor your ketones closely at the same time.

You will still lose weight, but much more gradually, with this gradual increase in carbohydrate intake, and you will be able to determine the most precise reading of your KCL number.

You will have been in the Keto Lifestyle during this process for longer than the month-long window during which the pee strips can detect your ketone levels. You’ll need to use a blood ketone monitor or a ketone breath analyzer at this point to get reliable ketone readings. Even though making an educated judgment based on symptoms, such if weight loss has stopped, is common, monitoring your ketone levels will give you more certainty.

You will observe a slight reduction in ketone levels throughout the first few weeks as your carb intake rises. After a few weeks of gradually increasing daily carbs by 10 grams, you will eventually reach a point where the ketones are zero. Loss of weight halted.

Congratulations! Your KCL (Keto Carb Limit) number has been located.

Since you are still trying to lose weight, reduce your daily carb consumption to 20 grams once you know your KCL number. Your ketones will return to being between 0.5 and 5 millimolars, putting you back in the heart of the Keto Lifestyle where you can burn fat just as quickly as before.


The achievement of knowing your KCL number is impressive. Every weight-loss regimen you have tried has been governed by this illusive figure. Additionally, it has been a major factor in every workout program and healthy eating resolve you have undertaken.

It has controlled you up to this point, but the situation has changed. This enigmatic number can finally be identified. Since it is your KCL number, any external or unidentified controls are eliminated. You are in charge here. You are in charge.

I advise you to stick with the Keto Lifestyle diet till you reach your goal weight using your KCL number as guidance.

How long can I stay in the Keto Lifestyle?

The simple solution is to remain in the Keto Lifestyle for as long as you like.

Keep yourself in the Keto Lifestyle for as long as necessary to burn off all the additional fat and reach your ideal weight. You basically have three options to think about at that point:

  1. Maintain a mild state of ketosis for optimal health, Keto Lifestyle advantages, and weight management.
  2. Switch to an anti-inflammatory diet, which offers more nutritious food selections and will help you manage your weight because you’ll be aware of your KCL.
  3. Resuming your previous eating habits will probably cause you to gain back the weight you’ve lost, in addition to having negative impacts on your health.

You would not suggest the third option to anyone based on what you have learnt so far. Also, I wouldn’t.

A terrific, nutritious, and unquestionably practical long-term health strategy is the second choice, which gives you a lot more food selections while allowing you to maintain your weight. Your KCL score will be a very helpful tool to help you manage the nutritious carbohydrates you consume while following this anti-inflammatory diet, such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, beans, peas, lentils, and hummus with their lower glycemic index, which results in less insulin. I suggest it to a lot of individuals, especially kids, families, and teens who are growing and require a small bit of good carbs. The Keto Lifestyle diet is always an option, and returning there would be simple enough.


Eat modest amounts of carbohydrates and starches (about the size of a tennis ball) at night after you reach your target weight. Usually, it will increase serotonin levels, which will help your sleep.

The healthiest choice is the first one maintaining a modest state of ketosis. A beautiful grandmother of sixty who had advanced stage 4 metastatic breast cancer that had spread to her ribs, sternum, and spine was one of my patients. You often only have a short time to live after receiving that diagnosis.

That happened over two years ago. She started the Keto Lifestyle diet right away, and although while it cannot treat every illness, it has unquestionably been the foundation of her good health. Her PET scans currently reveal no signs of an active illness. She likely has a long life ahead of her, much to the delight of her grandchildren.

You have the most control over your weight when you stay in the Keto Lifestyle, which is just on the cusp of a very moderate state of ketosis.


Thankfully, you can keep enjoying all the fantastic advantages you discovered in the Keto Diet. You may maintain your youthful vitality, sharpness, attention, memory, boundless energy, and zest for life. Naturally, none of this would be possible if hunger pangs and excessive hunger hormones didn’t exist.

Long-term Keto Lifestyle maintenance is a simple three-step process:


No matter what your KCL value is, increase your carb consumption until you attain it. The average person needs between 50 and 100 grams of carbohydrates per day.

Add more healthful foods to your diet that have enough carbs to help you reach your KCL number, such as beans, peas, hummus, lentils, seeds, almonds, cheese, full-fat yogurt, and low-glycemic fruits. Just enough, not too much.


Keep your position immediately below your KCL number. Find your number, then go a little further back. If you discover that your KCL number is 75 grams of carbohydrates per day, make 70 grams your new goal. This is the long-term value that will allow you to remain in the Keto and get the many advantages you have grown to adore.


Every step in the correct direction counts as progress.

In terms of ketosis, this is a mild stage. The Keto Lifestyle is where you are currently hovering. Keep your daily carb intake under control to stay in the Keto. If you consume more carbs than that, you will likely leave the Keto Lifestyle. It is a delicate balance, but you will quickly become an expert at it.

I advise you to weigh yourself every day once you attain your ideal weight. When your weight starts to gradually rise, it’s essential to lose weight and get below your KCL number.

Step 3: Live your life as you see fit

Not only will you succeed in your weight-loss objectives, but you’ll also have a tried-and-true strategy that enhances your life in countless other ways. After all, being at your ideal weight makes sustaining excellent health much simpler.

At this time, life is different. You get to keep every single health advantage of the Keto Lifestyle. Imagine being able to nearly eradicate all diseases that are preventable, diseases linked to obesity, heart disease, myriad inflammatory diseases, and a variety of other illnesses.

Your type 2 diabetes, early-onset dementia, fatty liver, or autoimmune condition may have been reversed. You have a solid justification for following the Keto Lifestyle diet.

You also cherish how you feel. It is a great place. You feel terrific, your energy is limitless, and your mind is clear.

The complete Keto Lifestyle diet is wholesome, balanced, and great for shedding pounds, staying healthy, and living a long life. It is undoubtedly rather amazing. You lead a really luxurious lifestyle there.