


    Chickfila Chaffles


    For chicken

    • Chicken breast pieces – 1
    • Pickle juice – 4 tablespoons
    • Parmesan – 4 tablespoons
    • Pork rinds – 2 tablespoons
    • Butter – 1 teaspoon
    • Flaxseed (ground) – 1 teaspoon
    • Salt (as desired)
    • Black pepper powder – ¼ teaspoon

    For bun

    • Shredded mozzarella – 1 cup
    • Egg – 1
    • Butter extract – ¼ teaspoon
    • Stevia glycerite – 4 drops

    Preparation Method

    1. Cut half- inch chicken pieces and soak in pickle juice for one hour minimum
    2. Pre-heat air fryer
    3. Mix all other chicken ingredients in one bowl
    4. Drain pickle juice and add chicken into bowl
    5. Let chicken cook for 6 min on each side at 400°
    6. Mix all bun ingredients together in one bowl
    7. Place in waffle maker to cook for about 4 min
    8. Sandwich the cooked chicken between the buns
    9. Takes 20 min to prepare and serves 2