


    Rich and Creamy Fat Bomb Ice Cream


    • 4 whole pastured eggs
    • 4 yolks from pastured eggs
    • 1/2 cup melted cocoa butter
    • 1/4 cup melted coconut oil
    • 15-20 drops Liquid liquid stevia
    • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
    • 1 cup MCT oil
    • 2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
    • 8–10 ice cubes


    1. Add all ingredients but the ice cubes into the jug of your high-speed blender. Blend on high for 2 minutes, until creamy.

    2. While the blender is running, remove the top portion of the lid and drop in 1 ice cube at a time, allowing the blender to run about 10 seconds between each ice cube.

    3. Once all of the ice has been added, pour the cold mixture into a 9×5” loaf pan and place in the freezer. Set the timer for 30 minutes before taking out to stir. Repeat this process for 2–3 hours, until desired consistency is met.

    4. Serve immediately. Top with chopped nuts or shaved dark chocolate, if desired.

    5. Store covered in the freezer for up to a week.

    Servings: 8

    Nutrition Facts (per serving)
    Total Carbohydrates: 2,21g
    Dietary Fiber: 1,20g
    Net Carbs: 0,2g
    Protein: 0,7g
    Total Fat: 25,4g
    Calories: 230

    MCTs are medium-chain triglycerides, a form of saturated fatty acid that has numerous health benefits, ranging from improved cognitive function to better weight management. Coconut oil contains about 65% MCTs, but pure MCT oil can be found at many health food stores and online retailers.