


    Healthy diet plan

    Staple Chicken Soup

    (Total Time: 45 MINS| Serves: 8)


    2½ pounds grass-fed boneless, skinless chicken thighs

    1 (10-ounce) can sugar-free diced tomatoes and green chiles

    1 (14½-ounce) can sugar-free diced tomatoes

    10-ounce frozen mix veggies (yellow onion, celery, bell pepper)

    8 cups homemade chicken broth

    2 tsp chili powder

    1 tsp garlic powder

    Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

    ½ cup chopped fresh cilantro


    In the pot of Instant Pot, add all ingredients except cilantro and stir to combine.
    Secure the lid and place the pressure valve to “Seal” position.
    Select the “Soup” and just use the default time of 25 minutes.
    Select the “Cancel” and carefully do a “Natural” release.
    Remove the lid and with a slotted spoon, transfer the chicken thighs into a bowl.
    With 2 forks, shred chicken thighs and then return to the pot.
    Stir in cilantro and serve immediately.
    Per Serving (Calories 354|Total Fat 11.9g| Net Carbs 1g| Protein 47.6g| Fiber 2.4g)