


    Lossing weight on Keto diet

    Difficulties in slimming? You do not know where to start and how to get the desired result quickly? Then you have come to the right place!

    Sad fact: the standard principle ” eat less, spend more ” only works on a short distance. Calorie count, hard training, the constant painful feeling of hunger…
    This approach can even be called masochistic! And most importantly, in the end almost everyone gives up and returns back lost kilograms.

    Fortunately, there is a much simpler way. Get ready for an easy weight loss, friends!

    All you need to do is adjust blood sugar levels and insulin values. Keto diet does this in a matter of days and you quickly begin to lose extra pounds and centimeters at the waist!

    Below is a practical guide on how to achieve it.

    Top 7 slimming rules

    Are you ready? Then let’s get started!

    Check out all these steps in order of importance :

    1. Choose a low-carbohydrate diet
    2. Eat when you are hungry. Only when you’re hungry.
    3. Eat natural products
    4. Measure progress and be patient
    5. Less stress, more sleep
    6. Intermittent Fasting
    7. Physical exercises

    Choose a low-carbohydrate diet

    If you want to lose the extra weight, consume less carbohydrates. For 150 years now, nutritionists from all over the world practice similar diets in a variety of configurations, and yes, they all work.
    However, today we know that everything comes down to an energy balance: consuming fewer calories than burning.
    But, why then reduce the carbohydrates?
    Hunger. First of all, it is hunger that causes all failures and lack of results of many diets in the long term. And here comes the main advantage of low-carbohydrate diet – you will always be satiated. Even without calculating calories, in 90% of cases people start to consume less by switching to similar diets.
    Moreover, due to the thermal effect of food, people on low-carbohydrate diets burn up to 300 extra calories a day during rest!

    Summary: low-carbohydrate diets are easier to stick to and, As a result, it is easier to lose weight on them.

    Eat when you are hungry. Only when you’re hungry.

    The most common mistake of beginners on a keto diet is to be afraid of fats. Carbohydrates and fats are the main sources of nutrition for our body – you still need at least one of them.

    Avoiding both carbohydrates and fats you will start to suffer from hunger and eventually fall off the diet. The solution is very simple – eat healthy fats until you are satiated. In particular, fish, butter, eggs, bacon, etc.

    Especially at the beginning of the journey avoid a sense of hunger. Over time, you will be sated much faster and your body will turn into a fat burning machine!

    On the other hand, avoid snacks and overeating. Listen to your body and supply it with energy when and only when it asks. Missing a meal is perfectly normal! You are awake and do not want breakfast? Do not eat breakfast. Just don’t eat if you don’t feel hungry.

    Realise that with a stable blood sugar level, things like sudden hunger will not bother you. Just get used to it.

    Eat natural products

    Another typical mistake that people make on a low-carbohydrate diet is the consumption of so-called “low-carbohydrate” products.

    Today, marketers are trying their best to sell us substitutes for typical sweets, saying that they do not contain sugar – whether it’s sweets, cookies, bread and so on.
    Do not get caught on these tricks! In general , such products are full of carbohydrates! Remember: an effective low-carbohydrate diet should be based on real food.
    On the one that people have eaten thousands or even millions of years, such as meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, oils, nuts, etc.
    Focus on consuming high quality products that are exposed to minimal processing.

    Measure progress and be patient

    Tracking progress in slimming is sometimes a very deceptive process. First, at the beginning of the diet you will lose weight quickly, and after a couple of weeks this process will slow down.
    This is absolutely normal, because the body will get rid of excess fluid, which is trapped by carbohydrates, and begin to systematically burn the fat layer.
    Secondly, daily weight measurements may not be indicative, as we are all living organisms and we have small fluctuations in the amount of water in our tissues due to various factors ranging from stress to menstrual cycles.

    Moreover, if you add regular exercise to your routine, you will grow muscles that are much heavier than fat. During heavy exercise, your weight may even increase, while the percentage of fat will decrease.
    Give yourself some time. Do not weigh more than once a week, regularly look in the mirror, periodically measure your waist, etc.

    Getting rid of fat is not a fast process; it can take months to a year. Just stay on a diet and enjoy life!

    Less stress, more sleep

    One of the keys to weight loss is the correct day regime and no stress. These things are strongly connected, because they affect our body equally from a hormonal point of view – they cause an increased release of the stress hormone cortisol, which, in turn, significantly increases appetite and can lead to increased weight.
    Try to reduce the amount of stress in life. Meditation, yoga and so on may help you.

    It is also recommended to regulate the right regime of the day to get a good sleep. It is advisable to do it every night.
    To do this, follow some simple rules:

    1. Lie down at the same time
    2. Do not drink coffee after two o’clock in the afternoon
    3. limit alcohol consumption
    4. Do not work out at least four hours before sleep
    5. Spend at least 30 minutes in the fresh air every day

    Many may find the above instructions difficult, perhaps due to lack of free time or presence of small children, but believe me, it is worth it. Especially if you are seriously focused on slimming.

    Intermittent Fasting

    These are real “super weapons” for those who want to lose weight and stay in great shape all their life! The name should be interpreted quite literally – you need to starve periodically, i.e. not to eat a certain period of time every day. The most common protocol is 16/8. It stands for : For 16 hours a day you starve and eat for the remaining eight.

    For example, the first meal you have at 10 am.So, the last meal should be no later than 6 pm. You can choose absolutely any interval for the meal – the main goal is that it suits your daily routine and lifestyle. Many people choose later meals so that the last meal will be in the evening. For example, to have dinner with your family.

    The principle behind this action and the reason for the effectiveness of fasting is as follows:
    When we eat, the body receives more energy than it needs at a given time. Part of this energy should be stored for later use. Insulin is a key hormone involved in the distribution and storage of energy derived from food.

    After any meal, the pancreas produces insulin, which distributes and stores excess energy. In particular, glucose derived from carbohydrates is stored first in the liver and muscles, and then the excess in fat tissue.

    When we do not eat, the body starts to absorb energy. First from glycogen stocks, and then from fat depots. Thus, our body is always in one of two states – either energy conservation or consumption.

    When the intervals of food consumption and starvation are balanced, the energy balance in the body is maintained and there is no reason to accumulate excess fat.

    Physical exercises

    You probably wonder why the paragraph about training and fitness is the last one. The fact is that this topic is quite overrated in terms of weight loss.

    Of course, visiting the gym and increasing the overall level of activity will have a positive impact on your health and well-being, but there are things to take care of first.
    For example, if you eat burgers and drink from sweet soda, even daily heavy workouts will not help you lose much weight.

    However, if you implement all the previous points in your life and add to them regular training, the results will be much better! Start with a simple – regular hiking, cycling, dancing – everything you want!

    The main thing is to remember that motion is life 🙂