


    Greek Salad

    Greek Salad

    makes 4 servings · prep time: 15 minutes Ten out of ten times, if I see a Greek salad on a restaurant menu, I will order it. I just love the combination of fresh Mediterranean-inspired ingredients. A couple years ago, I traveled to the beautiful Greek island of...
    Shaved Brussels Sprouts and Kale Salad

    Shaved Brussels Sprouts and Kale Salad

    makes 8 servings · prep time: 15 minutes (not including time to cook bacon) This is one of those salads that you would order every single time you visited your favorite restaurant. You might even go to that restaurant specifically to order this salad. The bitterness...
    There Is No Super Fuel in Ketones

    There Is No Super Fuel in Ketones

    True story: I discovered some shocking information regarding ketones while doing the research and writing for my keto web-blog which examines how we may increase the generation of mitochondrial energy and, as a result, increase our levels of energy. The body’s...
    Strawberry Spinach Salad

    Strawberry Spinach Salad

    makes 4 servings · prep time: 15 minutes (not including time to cook bacon) This salad goes into heavy rotation in my meal plan during the summer months, and I love that I can make it with strawberries from my own garden. To make it a full meal, I love to top it with...