Health Tip: A great protein and fat source for a keto-adapted diet is organic organ meat, which is one of the only natural sources of K2 (different from K1). K1 is a blood clotter, whereas K2 helps reverse artery calcification and Alzheimer’s, increases fertility, and...
MCT Pesto
Have you ever heard of Beyonce’s Maple Syrup Diet Cleanse? It is just water, lemon juice, cayenne, and maple syrup. I like the lemon and the cayenne part of the cleanse, but the maple syrup? No, no, no! Switch that out with coconut oil, and you now have a fat-burning...
INGREDIENTS: • 1 pound seafood (shrimp, real crab, or any firm fish will work well) • 2 avocados, peeled and cubed • 2 tomatoes, cubed • 4 to 6 green onions, minced • Juice of 1 lime or lemon • 1 tbsp. macadamia nut or avocado oil • A handful of fresh cilantro,...