


    Weight gain diet

    Weight gain diet

    Low-Carb Pizza Yes, you read correctly. You can even have pizza while on a ketogenic diet. All the more reason to stick with it, right? Ingredients •    1 medium (about 20-21 ounces) head of cauliflower •    1 cup of chia seeds...
    Balanced diet

    Balanced diet

    Low Carb Salmon and Avocado Sushi If you’re a sushi lover, we’ve included this recipe just for you. Ingredients ●    6 cups of riced cauliflower (~18 oz) ●    2 oz of smoked salmon, sliced ●    1 sliced avocado...
    Keto diet menu plan

    Keto diet menu plan

    Ketogenic Mac and Cheese We all know how much each one of us loves Mac and cheese. This recipe here is grain-free and absolutely keto-friendly. Ingredients •    ½ cup of onion, minced •    ½ cup heavy cream •    1 lb of...
    Fat burning diet

    Fat burning diet

    Keto Noodles with Avocado Pesto If you have a thing for pesto, this recipe can offer you a fulfilling lunch. Ingredients for the avocado pesto •    ½ cup of fresh baby spinach leaves •    1 half avocado •    1 cloves of...
    Quick weight loss diet

    Quick weight loss diet

    Jackfruit and Cauliflower Taco Bowls This recipe is simple and easy to make and the taste is quite delectable too. Ingredients •    1 package(12 oz) of cauliflower rice •    1 can of young jackfruit in water (drained WT = 9.8 oz)...